About Us

Dr. Mónica Calderón, DMD P.S.

Dr. Mónica Calderón

Dr. Calderón attended the University of Maryland, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biology in 1993. Her doctoral degree was obtained with honors at Boston University's Goldman School of Dental Medicine in 1997.

Through her own healing journey from mercury exposure, Dr. Calderon truly embodies her motto that "Everyone Deserves a Healthy Smile". She is an active accredited member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) and continues to make education a priority in order to provide premier service to her patients.

Fees, Payment, Insurances

Dental plans are not designed to cover all procedures. It is important that you understand your specific yearly insurance benefits, co pays, and maximus. Please remember your benefit contract is between you and your insurance company, and as applicable your employer. Neither we nor your insurance company can guarantee any payments until your insurance company reviews your claim.